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british columbia n.不列顛哥倫比亞〔加拿大省名〕。

Mal audio limited “ mal “ , a canadian company incorporated in british columbia Mal現代音像“ mal “ ,在卑詩省注冊的加拿大公司。

british council

Subscribers residing outside british columbia , ontario & montreal , please adjust the broadcast time to your own local time 卑詩省、安省及魁省以外各省觀眾需自行換算節目播出時間。

As a result , asian gangs have moved south from british columbia , where they dominate the hydroponic trade 結果,從加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞來的亞洲團伙控制了大麻提取液的交易。

Pictured at the dinner of the certified management accountants society of british columbia , hong kong branch 在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省公認會計師公會(香港分會)晚宴上合照。

Pictured at the dinner of the certified management accountants society of british columbia , hong kong branch 在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省公認會計師公會香港分會晚宴上合照。

First going to australia to perform and then in canada he entered the united states from british columbia 首次赴澳大利亞演出,然后在加拿大,他從英屬哥倫比亞進入美國

South british columbia , washington , oregon , north - west california , central idaho and west montana 南大不列顛哥倫比亞、華盛頓、奧勒岡、西北加利福尼亞、愛達荷及西蒙他那。

Why should we not just disappear , separately , to british columbia , and have no scandal “為什么我們不可以干脆地陷遁了,個別地跑到英屬哥化比亞去,那便沒有非議了? ”

It is run by nevada north ' s kids poker tour and is based in vancouver , british columbia 2天的費用$ 120 ,一天半時間上課輔導德州撲克技術,半天時間舉辦德州撲克比賽。

Based in vancouver , british columbia , canada , and traveling all over canada -主要培養少年兒童藝術人才,培訓方向有聲樂音樂舞蹈頻道美術附屬鋼琴藝術幼兒園等。

Includes locations in british columbia and alberta , canada , menus , and franchising information 包括地點在不列顛哥倫比亞和阿伯塔,加拿大,菜單,和特許的信息。

137 panorama of events report from british columbia , canada panorama of events report from british columbia , canada 137活動了望臺加拿大英屬哥倫比亞報導

British columbia is the third largest canadian province , both in area and population 英屬哥倫比亞是加拿大的第三大省,無論是面積還是人口都是如此。

Kristin kreuk was born on december 30 , 1982 in vancouver , british columbia , canada 克莉絲汀克魯克kristin kreuk美國電視明星,超人首部曲女主角

Information about welfare and housing laws and resources in british columbia , canada -江西贛南百報博覽中心主辦,扶貧概況與老區文化扶貧信息

British columbia folklore society - a definition and explanation of folklore , with examples 卑詩省民俗學會-定義和解釋,民俗學,并舉例說明

He holds an mba and a b . comm . ( hons . ) from the university of british columbia , canada 加拿大卑詩省大學之工商管理碩士及一級榮譽學士

Answer : we have two systems in british columbia - public schools and private schools 答復:我們省有兩種教育系統:公立學校和私立學校。

No ! only some photographs and papers about a place out there in british columbia “不,只是幾張關于那邊的一個產業的像片和文件罷了。 ”